WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (S. 1356).  This is the second time this year that the House has come together in a bipartisan manner to pass this critical legislation to fund our military.  The original NDAA passed both the House and the Senate in October, but was vetoed by the President despite funding the military at the levels he requested.  Congress was forced to re-work the NDAA to comply with the defense spending levels passed in the budget agreement which was negotiated and voted upon last week.  The FY16 NDAA passed with wide bipartisan support by a vote of 370-58.

“It is unfortunate that Congress was forced to make further cuts to the National Defense Authorization Act because the President chose to play politics with our military funding,” said Congressman Austin Scott.  “However, I am proud of the House for maintaining a bipartisan process and passing this legislation where I believe we achieved the necessary reforms without compromising our military’s capability to be prepared for the challenges we face.”

This version of the NDAA will still provide for Moody and Robins Air Force Bases by preventing the retirement of the A-10 fleet, prohibiting furloughs of depot employees, allowing for the recapitalization of the JSTARS, and avoiding a BRAC for fiscal year 2016.
