WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Austin Scott (GA-08) today released the following statement after the President vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2016, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 270-156 and the Senate by a vote of 70-27 earlier this month:

“Today, the President not only vetoed the NDAA but actually held a photo-op to do so, proving once again that the role of Commander in Chief is beyond his capabilities,” said Congressman Austin Scott.  “I am a strong supporter of the NDAA.  It is imperative to our national security, as well as the security of our friends and allies. It contains crucial funding and important Department of Defense reforms that provide for our nation’s warfighters and for my constituents at Robins and Moody Air Force Bases.  At every step of the way, the drafting and passage of this legislation was a bipartisan and open process. The President owes the men and women defending our country an apology for his not-so-cheap political stunt.”

The NDAA funds national defense at the level the President requested: $612 billion.  The authorization bill also provides for Moody and Robins Air Force Bases as it funds the A-10C Warthog and prevents retirement of the fleet, prevents furloughs of depot employees, and allows for the recapitalization of the JSTARS.  Further, the NDAA rejects cuts to commissary benefits and BRAC for fiscal year 2016.
