Press Releases
1000 Days Without a Budget & State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012Washington D.C. – U.S. Congressman Austin Scott (GA-08) released a statement following tonight’s State of the Union Address to Congress:
“Every American knows this President is capable of delivering big speeches where he makes grand proposals. However, actions are more important than words. He’s been the President for three years and he has a scorecard. The fact is, his actions have failed to create the jobs that Americans need. The President missed a perfect opportunity tonight to endorse a very simple idea that would provide certainty for our job creators and get Americans back to work almost immediately: tell the Senate to pass a budget.
Rep. Scott went on to say, “Coincidence or not, tonight’s State of the Union Address also marks 1,000 days that America has been operating without a federal budget. The House passed a Budget, the Senate not only neglected to pass that Budget, but they did not offer an alternative of their own. Without a Budget, there is no plan; without a plan that means no recovery and without a recovery we cannot expect the robust job growth that we need to get our economy back on track. Americans cannot wait until after the election before this President and the Senate decide to act, we need a Budget now.”
Rep. Scott utilized the days leading up to 1,000 Days to deliver multiple speeches noting the solemn milestone. Additionally, he joined his colleagues in coordinated tweets and facebook messages to facilitate a conversation via new media. To view Rep. Scott’s videos, click on the links below: