WASHINGTON, D.C.-- U.S. Representative Austin Scott (GA-08) today voted in favor of H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 314-117.

"This legislation is far from perfect, but it rescinds $30 billion in previously appropriated funds, making it one of the only pieces of legislation signed into law that actually cuts spending," Scott said. "This bill will avoid a default and cap spending levels. The permitting reforms in this legislation can bring jobs to America and be revolutionary for manufacturing and mining in our country.”

"As Congress takes steps toward fiscal responsibility, we have to make tough decisions in the appropriations process that stops wasteful spending and reduces our deficit," he continued.

This legislation suspends the debt limit through January 1, 2025, while prohibiting the Treasury from increasing the cash balance above normal operating balances or accelerating obligations in anticipation of meeting the debt limit.

It also institutes reasonable work requirements for programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to lift people out of poverty and rebuild a culture of work. This legislation also takes other responsible cost-saving actions like defunding President Biden’s IRS spending on non-taxpayer sources, restarting student loan repayments, and rejecting all of the left’s proposed new tax increases.

The full text of the legislation can be found here.
