WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Austin Scott (GA-08), a Member of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), released the below statement on House passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020 (H.R. 2500):

“This time last year, we passed the National Defense Authorization act for the 58th consecutive year, by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 351 to 66. Historically, the NDAA has stood as a piece of legislation that unifies Democrats and Republicans and shows the world how America values the security of our nation, the men and women of the Department of Defense and their families, and the important job they do protecting us in a dangerous world. However, this year House Democrats decided to end that bipartisan tradition.

“After a twenty-one-hour markup in Armed Services Committee when our Democratic counterparts decided to use their majority to push partisan amendments without any compromise, I voted against the NDAA in Committee for the first time in my career. At that time, I voiced my concern of the need to eliminate the partisan amendments and craft an NDAA that promotes America’s national security priorities. 

“Because House Democrats are using the NDAA as a platform to push far-left progressive policies and pacify their far-left Members, they will hamstring the Department of Defense’s ability to effectively counter serious national security threats. Their grand-standing will hinder the security of our nation and put a strain on our troops, their families, and our veterans.

“Fortunately, the Senate crafted and passed an overwhelmingly bipartisan NDAA by a vote of 86 to 8. I hope that the Conference Report more closely reflects the tradition of bipartisanship with regard to our nation’s national security which I look forward to being able to support.”

The NDAA sets Department of Defense (DOD) policies and authorizes funding levels for defense programs. The NDAA was passed out of Committee on June 14 largely along partisan lines by a vote of 33-24. Today, the bill passed the House by a vote of 220 to 197.

