WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Austin Scott (GA-08), Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee's Subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, Biotechnology and Foreign Agriculture, today held a public hearing to review current research and application of management strategies to control pests and diseases of pollinators.  

“Bees contribute an estimated $16 billion annually in added value to more than 30 percent of the crops we produce,” said Congressman Scott.“With the important role that bees play to our nation’s agriculture, the decline in bee colony health over the past several years has raised significant concern within the agriculture community. Today’s hearing took an important look at the current state of pollinator health in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the status of research on causes of and possible solutions to Colony Collapse Disorder.”

Approximately a third of global food production is dependent on animal pollination for reproduction, and managed honey bees are the most important pollinators of those crops. Reports of increasing colony losses in the United States are particularly alarming, not least because of the honey bees' role in pollination and the absence of an easily identifiable cause.

To gain a better view of what is causing the current increase seen in Western honey bee colony losses across the Northern hemisphere, it is important to understand the key pests and diseases affecting bee health. Honey bees are affected by a number of pests and diseases including mites, various viruses, bacterial infections and fungal diseases. 
The global picture identifies the honey bee parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, as the major factor in colony loss, with regions that have established mite populations, suffering consistently higher colony losses than those without. The role of the Varroa mite in colony losses is supported by a wealth of data. The mite itself contributes to weakening colony health and modifying bee behavior, but it also spreads secondary infections within and between colonies. A general consensus is emerging that this mite in association with a range of honey bee viruses is a significant factor in the losses of managed honey bee colonies seen globally.

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) internal research agency, is leading several efforts to enhance overall health of pollinators by improving bee management practices and studying how best to control diseases and pests. Additionally, a number of other federal agencies, state departments of agriculture, universities, and private companies are conducting research studies to understand the causes of colony collapse. Members of the Subcommittee examined these research efforts to identify ways to remedy this problem. The recently passed farm bill, the Agricultural Act of 2014, included numerous provisions across the entire legislation to address declines in honey bee health.

Video from today’s Subcommittee hearing can be found here.  Additionally, Chairman Scott’s opening remarks as prepared are provided below.

Written testimony provided by the witnesses is linked below.

Witness List:

Panel I

Dr. Jeff Pettis, Research Leader, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Maryland

Mr. Dan Cummings, CEO, Capay Farms, Chico, California; and CFO Olivarez Honey Bees

Mr. Jeff Stone, Executive Director and CEO, Oregon Association of Nurseries, Wilsonville, Oregon

Dr. David L. Fischer, Director, Pollinator Safety & Manager, Bayer North American Bee Care Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina


Opening Statement of Congressman Austin Scott

Chairman, House Agriculture Subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, Biotechnology and Foreign Agriculture

RE: To Review Current Research and Application of Management Strategies to Control Pests and Diseases of Pollinators

(Remarks as Prepared)

“Thank you all for being here today to discuss an issue that is extremely important to our country’s agriculture industry.

“Today’s hearing of the Subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, Biotechnology, and Foreign Agriculture will review the current health of our nation’s bee pollinators.  Bees play a critical role in plant reproduction contributing an estimated $16 billion annually in added value to more than 30% of the crops we produce.

“My colleagues and I are pleased to welcome several witnesses who have direct involvement and first-hand experience with bee pollinators.

“Over the past several years, beekeepers have experienced significant losses due to colony collapse.  The precise reason for this Colony Collapse Disorder is not yet known, however, a leading cause appears to be the Varroa Mite pest.  Some believe other factors including disease, diet and nutrition, genetics, habitat loss, beekeeping management practices and the improper use of pesticides may also play a role. 

“To address these issues, the Agriculture Committee authorized increased funding for pollinator research as part of the 2008 farm bill.  Similarly, the 2014 farm bill reauthorized and expanded many of these provisions, addressing managed honey bees and native pollinators as part of the research, conservation, and specialty crop programs.

“As we hear from our distinguished panel of witnesses today, we hope to gain a better understanding of the role of our nation’s pollinators and the status of research both on causes of Colony Collapse Disorder and the possible tools to combat this problem. 

“Before us today is a panel of four distinguished witnesses:  We are joined by Dr. Jeff Pettis, Research Leader of the USDA-ARS Bee Research Laboratory.  Dr. Pettis oversees all USDA research concerning threats that may play into the sharp decline of our nation’s pollinators. 

“We’re also joined by Mr. Dan Cummings, CEO of Capay Farms in Chico, California.  Capay Farms manages over 10,000 acres of almonds and walnuts in the Central Valley of Califonira.  Also, as partner and CFO of Olivarez Honey Bees, every year, he ensures California is provided with a healthy supply of honeybees. 

“Also, we have Mr. Jeff Stone, Executive Director and CEO of the Oregon Association of Nurseries.  The Oregon Association of Nurseries represents more than 1,200 growers, retailers, landscapers, and suppliers in the ornamental horticulture industry.       

“Finally, we have Dr. David Fischer, Director of Pollinator Safety Group and Manager of the Bayer North American Bee Care Center located in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina.  Dr. Fischer’s expertise is in the area of terrestrial exotoxicology and risk assessment.

“We appreciate the time each of you have given to prepare for this hearing.  Your testimony will be important to evaluate the current state of pollinator health. Thank you.”

