Votes and Legislation

One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New legislation is passed almost every week. Please contact our office to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community.

Learn more about legislation sponsored and co-sponsored by Congressman Scott.

In addition, constituents can view the U.S. House of Representatives' latest votes on Capitol Hill and learn how to read the roll call information.

Recent Votes:

Date Question Position Result
9/6/23 Motion to Invoke Cloture: Gwynne A. Wilcox to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board: Gwynne A. Wilcox, of New York, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2028 Nay Cloture Motion Agreed to
9/6/23 On the Nomination PN645: Philip Nathan Jefferson, of North Carolina, to be Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for a term of four years Yea Nomination Confirmed
9/5/23 Motion to Invoke Cloture: Philip Nathan Jefferson to be Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Philip Nathan Jefferson, of North Carolina, to be Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for a term of four years Not Voting Cloture Motion Agreed to
7/27/23 On Passage of the Bill in the Senate
S. 2226: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
Not Voting Bill Passed
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1087 (Reed) to S. 2226: To provide for a manager's amendment.
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 523 (Rubio) to S. 2226: To provide that sums in the Thrift Savings Fund may not be invested in securities that are listed on certain foreign exchanges.
Not Voting Amendment Rejected
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1078 (Schatz) to S. 2226: To reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996.
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 638 (Menendez) to S. 2226: To reauthorize the Firefighter Cancer Registry Act of 2018.
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1058 (Hawley) to S. 2226: To extend the period for filing claims under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act and to provide for compensation under such Act for claims relating to Manhattan Project waste, and to improve compensation for workers
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1065 (Gillibrand) to S. 2226: To amend title XXXIII of the Public Health Service Act with respect to funding for the World Trade Center Health Program.
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1034 (Kennedy) to S. 2226: To prohibit allocations of Special Drawing Rights at the International Monetary Fund for perpetrators of genocide and state sponsors of terrorism without congressional authorization.
Not Voting Amendment Rejected
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 874 (Marshall) to S. 2226: To prohibit the flying, draping, or other display of any flag other than the flag of the United States at public buildings.
Yea Amendment Rejected
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1030 (Sanders) to S. 2226: To reduce military spending.
Nay Amendment Rejected
7/27/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 999 (Barrasso) to S. 2226: To require the Secretary of Energy to establish a Nuclear Fuel Security Program, expand the American Assured Fuel Supply Program, establish an HALEU for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Demonstration Projects Program, and submi
Yea Amendment Agreed to
7/26/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 438 (Paul) to S. 2226: To provide for the independent and objective conduct and supervision of audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to Ukraine for military,
Yea Amendment Rejected
7/26/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 1055 (Wicker) to S. 2226: To establish the Office of the Lead Inspector General for Ukraine Assistance.
Yea Amendment Rejected
7/26/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 421 (Cruz) to S. 2226: To provide remedies to members of the Armed Forces discharged or subject to adverse action under the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
Yea Amendment Rejected
7/26/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 199 (Warnock) to S. 2226: To provide enhanced protection against debt collector harassment of members of the Armed Forces.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
7/25/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 813 (Rounds) to S. 2226: To amend the Defense Production Act of 1950 to include the Secretary of Agriculture on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and require review of certain agricultural transactions.
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/25/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 931 (Cornyn) to S. 2226: To provide for an investment screening mechanism relating to covered sectors.
Not Voting Amendment Agreed to
7/20/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 376 (Lee) to S. 2226: To limit the availability of funds for the support of Ukraine.
Not Voting Amendment Rejected
7/20/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 926 (Cruz) to S. 2226: To prohibit the export or sale of petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to certain entities.
Yea Amendment Agreed to
7/20/23 On the Nomination PN118: David M. Uhlmann, of Michigan, to be an Assistant Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Nay Nomination Confirmed
7/19/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 838 (Hawley) to S. 2226: To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to clarify the meaning of the term "aggregate value" for purposes of the Presidential drawdown authority.
Yea Amendment Rejected
7/19/23 On the Amendment in the Senate
S.Amdt. 222 (Paul) to S. 2226: To express the sense of Congress that Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty does not supersede the constitutional requirement that Congress declare war before the United States engages in war.
Nay Amendment Rejected