WASHINGTON, D.C. - Georgia U.S. Representative Austin Scott answered questions from Middle Georgians this week in WGXA News' Connect to Congress series.

Viewer Bonnie Snyder asked, "Why do Medicare premium increases wipe out most if not all Social Security cost of living increases?"

Rep. Scott called the cost of health care in America "ridiculous" and said, "We as a government got to do a better of of stopping the cost increases in health care. Reducing the cost of health care in this country means we have to stop protecting the monopolies that exist. We need to encourage more small business owners to get in health care and encourage local pharmacies to stay in health care. We need more competition in the insurance business. The insurance industry is currenlty exempt from anti-trust laws in this country".

Viewer April Reid of Wilcox County asked, "What are you doing to create jobs in these rural communities like the one I live in? What resources are available to residents in rural communities?"

Rep. Scott encouraged anyone looking for work to stop in their local chamber of commerce office to see where openings exist and which industries have jobs in demand.

He also said, "At the federal level we're going to continue to try and expand broadband. We we make it easier for businesses to be profitable you will see people expand businesses in the metro areas and the rural areas".